12 december 2024
At the heart of FNsteel’s operations is the hot rolling mill, where massive steel blooms are heated in a gas furnace and processed through a series of mill stands to achieve the desired wire diameter.
Recently, Bakker Sliedrecht completed the successful and safe modernization of the pre-finishing mill drive system within a short timeframe. The DC motors, which had been powered by mercury-vapor rectifiers since the late 1960s, have been replaced by a cutting-edge ABB ACS880 drive system.
To ensure minimal production downtime, the new system was carefully pre-assembled alongside the existing installation. A brief, three-week factory shutdown during the summer allowed for a seamless and reliable transition to the upgraded drive system, which now guarantees improved efficiency and reliability in FNsteel’s operations for years to come.
“Bakker Sliedrecht made the difference by ensuring a smooth and reliable execution, delivering results safely and efficiently, in an excellent cooperation with the FNsteel team”, says Matthijs van der Schoot, Managing Director of FNsteel. Bakker Sliedrecht is proud to contribute to FNsteel’s innovative and sustainable advancements within the steel industry. Our commitment extends beyond project completion, as we provide comprehensive support throughout the lifetime of the installation. FNsteel can rely on our continued service and expertise to support their ongoing pursuit of sustainable objectives.”